male hair loss replacement vermontFor many men, hair loss is common and they know that they are likely going to go bald one day, whether due to hereditary factors or something else altogether. While men’s hair loss might be common that doesn’t mean it has to be permanent or inevitable. There are things men can do about hair loss if they are struggling with thinning hair and you can do to replace what they have lost and maintain think, healthy hair.

Real hair loss solutions are not a pipe dream. You may be surprised just how far men’s hair replacement has come over the last few years. Non-surgical hair replacement can give you the look of a full head of hair that looks completely natural and seamless. Here are some of the men’s hair loss solutions that we recommend.

Topical Solutions and Scalp Care
A lot of times a lot of hair loss stems from unhealthy scalp conditions. If you skin is to dry, to flaky, or to oily then it creates an environment that can inhibit hair growth rather than promoting it. Topical solutions can provide the necessary hydration or pH balance that is need to change the scalp condition and return it to being healthy and that will promote new hair growth.

Laser Hair Therapy
Low level laser light therapy increases the blood flow to the follicles and encourages new hair growth. This is a safe and painless procedure that is also FDA approved. There are options for you to also perform this in the comfort from your own home using a portable laser unit.

Hair Replacement Systems
The great thing about men’s non-surgical hair restoration systems is that it can give you a full head of natural looking hair. They are more permanent than a wig but much less invasive than hair transplant surgery. This is the option that is most frequently recommended to men struggling with hair loss.

To help you find the right solution for you, we encourage you to contact a hair loss professional. They will help you determine what is causing your hair loss and the option that will work best for you to regain your hair.

Vermont Hair Restoration Specialists

At Hairbuilders of Vermont, we have proven that getting to the root of hair loss immediately is beneficial if you want to prevent hair loss. Whether or not you’re showing signs of advanced hair loss, early intervention is always the best defense against future hair loss.

To schedule a free consultation call us at (802) 878-8400 or schedule a free, private hair loss evaluation online now.